Life skills, a paparazzo or a hullabaloo

I shout out loud at the pitch of my voice to stop making ‘’basic activities of daily living’’ a paparazzo. Posting videos of your child cleaning dishes on Instagram and boasting him is a height of your insensitivity to the dignity of labor.  Does it mean you never respected your helper’s labor before Covid-19?

When my play school manager asks parents to start facilitating their children with basic habits of eating by themselves, wearing shoes by themselves, walking upstairs while carrying their light-weight bags all by themselves, cleaning up their toys themselves, they create ruckus and dust her off, saying, “Who the hell are you to point out what we should do with our children? You mind your own business.”  Aha! Covid-19 did not care who is who…

Dear moms, now onwards, when you search for the best play schools around your vicinity, please do not forget to inquire if the best play school has life skills in its syllabus and better bring your child with the mindset of helping himself.

Come on! Did we need Covid-19 to necessitate building the basic activities of daily living and basic social skills in us?  From now onwards, teaching closing and opening the school lunch box to your child comes in to your bucket list first. The day care staff will help you in toilet training, but you are starting at home simultaneously.

Top play schools if, of course run by experts, not by quacks, make respect and gratitude an integral part of their frameworks and curriculum. Appreciate you start imbibing these virtues in your child at home at a very young age. Trust me we did not need Covid-19 to come and bully us for realizing the value of respect and gratitude.

A child of a kindergarten age is resilient enough to play with mud, sand, water, and to stand in the sun or a rough floor. So now onwards, I am hoping that you will not ask your child’s play school to lay PVC flooring in the whole building and put him under the AC all the time.  Covid-19 is not needed to test your child’s immune system.

I humbly urge the best playschools to stop giving three pages of repetitive writing but to facilitate their play school children with the basic life skills and not to rush them to complete the syllabus again in that.

Happy learning in Covid-19 lockdown lifestyle!