Pneumonia from Covid-19 was detected in Wuhan city, China in 2019 for the first time. Covid-19 is a
mutated version of coronavirus, the SARS family virus. It is contagious and fatal so we all are supposed
to be staying home to maintain social distancing. In this situation, we do not have to panic but stand
together to fight against Covid-19. All the front liners, doctors, nurses, cleaners, supply chain workers
are working hard to heal the world from Covid-19. As the disease is contagious and dangerous, we are
not supposed to go outside unless it is necessary and before you go out, we must wear a mask and go. In
this pandemic, technology is helping us a lot. Virtual help assistants (chatbots) help us in providing the
information about the virus, providing guidelines to stay safe and also alerting people whether they
need hospital screening or self-isolation just by checking their own symptoms. The Covid-19 pandemic is
pre-empting many schools, colleges, and universities to use technology assistance to reach their
students like never before.
Every challenge is an opportunity, they say. I’ve been thinking about the impact of coronavirus on
education sector and how it has changed the face of education overnight. The technological tools and
services focus on ensuring that students don’t miss a beat in their learning. Covid-19 has brought home
the far-fetched reality that has taken our educators out of their comfort zones and has forced them use
technology to deliver required content and engage students. The worth of teachers has never been this
important before I feel as a student. They are adopting to deliver the content confidently through online
live classes. Not only learning, using this technology, we are able to sit at home to save ourselves from
this scary virus. Al (artificial intelligence) is even helping scientists in researching more on virus to make
medicines and vaccination to fight against it.
As we have a lockdown all over the world, all the family members are staying home together, cooking
together, doing household chores together, spending time together, and we, the children, are feeling
more loved and secure though in this scary situation. Due to the lockdowns, no people outside, no
pollutions at all, and the world is healing.
I conclude by saying that technology is helping us tremendously, we, the children, should not misuse it.
And we all should stay home and together fight against Covid-19.
Stay home, Stay Safe.
Manaswini Sharma M
Grade 7 B
Kennedy High The Global School